2017 Scholarships Awarded

KFRW has given $9,000.00 in scholarship awards given out in 2017 to women high school graduates! Washington Co. (2) Edna Lawson $ 500 Madison White $ 500 Fayette Co. (1) Olivia Ault $1000 Marshall Co. $3000 Trigg Co 250 GOP Ladies Rep. Club Meghan Corder 500 Boone Co....

Are you receiving NFRW newsletter?

You should have recently received the message below from NFRW. If you did not, please email Barb Ellerbrook at bae73144@gmail.com to let her know so we can be sure your correct information has been received by NFRW. If you have joined in the past few weeks, they may...

Nelson Co. 2017 Lincoln Day Dinner

Nelson County 2017 Lincoln Day Dinner — April 20, 2017              with Silent Auction, BJs Steakhouse 201 Camptown Rd. Bardstown, Ky Mingle/Cash Bar – 5:30pm Dinner – 6:30pm Program – 7:30pm $35.00 PER PERSON Download registration form here....

Wreaths Across America

Here is the info. Saturday, December 17th at 9:30 a.m.  To find a participating location near you, please go to the interactive map on Wreaths Across America’s website:  https://wreaths.fastport.com Facebook Page:...

2016 KFRW Convention Registration

Kentucky Federation of Republican Women“A Past to Celebrate —  A Future to Claim”Join  us August 12-13, 2016 at the KFRW Biennial ConventionHOTEL RESERVATIONSClarion Hotel – 1950 Newtown PikeLexington, KY 40511859-233-0512Sleeping room rate is $97.00 per night,...

KFRW First Lady’s Circle

KFRW Members:           I am excited to tell you of a new program that the KFRW Executive Committee has unanimously approved. We will be forming a “First Lady’s Circle.”  This will replace the current Regent’s group within the KFRW. When I was...