by webadmin | KFRW Events
An invitation for a January 6, 2020 event is attached — Kentucky’s ratification of the 19th Amendment one hundred years ago on January 6, 1920. Please join us in celebrating Kentucky’s part in making the 19th Amendment law. An RSVP will be helpful...
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News, Republican Elections
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News, Republican News
Did you know that the KFRW gives a $1,500 scholarship to a high school senior girl? This year’s nomination form is now online at so you can begin the nomination process for your special Kentucky young lady!...
by webadmin | KFRW News, NFRW News
I have been asked to run for a Member-at-Large seat on the NFRW Executive Committee. I will be nominated at the upcoming convention (Sept. 27-29), and the vote will take place on Sunday morning at the Board meeting. Susan Tucker designed the campaign card and I...
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News
by webadmin | KFRW Events, Republican News
When: Saturday, September 7th from 3:00-6:00 p.m. Where: The Home of Ron and Kathy Stocks 141 Lighthouse Way, Midway KY Special Guest Speaker:Nick Adams of FLAG (Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness and a Fox News Contributor.) AND All Candidates Are Invited!...
by webadmin | KFRW Events
Thanks to Julie Hinson and Donna Price and all who had anything to do with our wonderful First Lady’s Circle at the Old Governor’s Mansion in Frankfort, KY, on June 14, 2019! Donna Price, Caterer Private Dining Room Formal Dining Room Julie Hinson, Chair,...
by webadmin | KFRW Events
You are invited to join the Fayette County Republican Womens Club for Bar-B-Q in the Bluegrass, June 21, 2019!
by webadmin | KFRW Events, Lincoln Legacy Circle
Ladies, all First Lady’s Circle members are invited at no charge! All KY Constitutional Officer candidates have been invited to attend, too!
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News, Lincoln Legacy Circle
JUNE 14, OLD GOVERNOR’S MANSION FLC MEMBERS ONLY — DON’T MISS THIS First Lady’s Club 2019 Renewal The First Lady’s Circle of the KFRW was formed as a way of enabling the KFRW to contribute to our candidates. Over the past three years, we...
by webadmin | KFRW Events, Republican Elections, Republican News
You are cordially invited to attend a fundraising reception honoring Daniel Cameron.
by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican News
Metro Republican Women’s Club honored Gail Russel at their March meeting.In February, Governor Bevin appointed Gail Russell to the permanent leadership post as Secretary of the Public Protection Cabinet (PPC). Don Parkinson, Secretary of Tourism, Arts and...
by webadmin | KFRW News, Lincoln Legacy Circle
KFRW Members: It is join/renewal time for the “First Lady’s Circle”! The KFRW “circle” has an annual membership fee of $100.00. The Kentucky First Lady’s Circle will offer the following to members: A platform to “honor” First Ladies, statewide and nationally....
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News, Republican Elections
Meet the Republican Candidates for the May 21st Primary! March 26, 2019, 6-9 pm, LaGrange Baptist Church, 1139 Commerce Parkway, Contact Debby Neal Pate at (502) 552-8179 for more information!
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News
Call in Tues, March 5-Hot Topics w our nation’s movers/shakers! Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 9 PM 712.775.7031; ID: 835.960.616# ALL ABOARD for ANOTHER EXCITING RIDE on the F1RST TUESDAY call in show! JUST PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND CALL IN! Don’t...
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News
by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican News
Lunch price is $13.00. Please note Monday, February 25, 2019, Executive Committee meets at 4 pm and Board Meeting is 6...
by webadmin | KFRW News
You are cordially invited to Christmas Tea with the Treasurer! December 6, 2018
by webadmin | Lincoln Legacy Circle
by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican Elections, Republican News, Republican Party of Kentucky
As you know November is an important election day in Kentucky. There are two significant races, Congressman Andy Barr’s re-election, 6th Congressional District, and Vickie Glisson election in the 3rd Congressional District. For those clubs who are located in...
by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican News
Thank you so much for being such a great supporter of Marsy’s Law! We are so appreciative of your endorsements. We couldn’t do this without you and we need your continued help and support so that we can be successful in November! If you have any questions, please feel...
by webadmin | KFRW Convention, KFRW News, Republican News
2018 Biennial Convention — August 10-11, 2018, Crown Plaza Hotel, Louisville, KY Click to enlarge graphics. Online payment coming soon! All KFRW members are encouraged to attend the Biennial Convention August 10-11, 2018. EACH person MUST complete and submit...
by webadmin | KFRW News, NFRW News, Republican News
NFRW Approves Charter of Kentucky Club in Spencer County! (click to read the article)
by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican News
KFRW Members: In these days of confusion, arguments, name-calling, etc., we are all concerned with the political climate. Then, along comes a young woman who happens to be a recipient of the KFRW scholarship who actually sent a thank you follow-up letter to Tina Fox...
by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican News, Republican Party of Kentucky
Buy tickets here! There is shopping until 12:30 when we will begin lunch and hear from our two speakers. And then we will continue with shopping until 3. Buy tickets here: This is NOT just a...
by webadmin | KFRW News, Rand Paul, Republican News
Invitation to Welcome Home Ceremony for SSG Brondhaver with Senator Rand Paul and Country Icon Lee Greenwood!
by webadmin | KFRW News, NFRW News, Republican News, Republican Party of Kentucky
Janet Huckabee, former First Lady of Arkansas, wife of former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas and Mother of White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, will be our special guest speaker at our Kentucky Federation of Republican Women on Saturday, August 11,...
by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican News
More than 8600 children in our Commonwealth currently reside in foster care. That is more than the population of 16 of our Kentucky counties. Think about that. Many of these children are awaiting adoption; others remain in foster care, since parental rights have not...
by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican News
Here is a revised flyer for the Nelson Co. Lincoln Day Dinner. The change is the mailing address and addition of a Paypal Link.