KFRW Members:
In these days of confusion, arguments, name-calling, etc., we are all concerned with the political climate. Then, along comes a young woman who happens to be a recipient of the KFRW scholarship who actually sent a thank you follow-up letter to Tina Fox letting Tina know how grateful she was, is, for the scholarship award.

We have been giving scholarships for many, many years, but according to Tina, this is the first time we have received a letter letting us know how the scholarship money was used.

This letter has touched me, and I hope it does for you as well. We are reaching our young people, and Brenna is proof of that. This just reinforces my resolve to continue to pursue and recruit our young women into the world of Republican Women, as both members of the Federation and as candidates.
Thank you, Brenna for being the person you are. We will be watching you as you pursue your career. You have an extraordinary future ahead. Of you.
Barbara A. Ellerbrook, President KFRW

Hello all,

I have almost completed my first year at Western Kentucky University and wanted to send a quick update. I wish to thank you once again for the scholarship money I received that has helped me finish this year. I remain an undeclared/exploratory but I do plan to double major in Political Science and Arabic while earning a minor in Communications. I hope to go on to do diplomatic work to improve relations between America and the Arab World. I have thoroughly enjoyed this first chapter of my college career and have learned much about our government through the few Political Science courses I have already completed. Thank you once again for the scholarship reward that has helped me achieved this goal.

Brenna Mathews