by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News
SAVE THE DATE Fundraiser for Kentucky State Senate Candidate Linda Thompson At the home of Art and Eunice Montfort 125 Little Paige Drive, Frankfort, Ky. Thursday, March 5 5:30- 7:30 P.M. Invitation with details coming soon
by webadmin | KFRW News, Lincoln Legacy Circle
It is time to join/renew KFRW First Lady’s Circle. Attached you will find an application in order for you to join/renew. Look forward to working with you again this year, Julie HinsonFirst Lady’s Circle Committee Chairperson Save the Date – Saturday, March 21FLC...
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News, Republican News
Did you know that the KFRW gives a $1,500 scholarship to a high school senior girl? This year’s nomination form is now online at so you can begin the nomination process for your special Kentucky young lady!...
by webadmin | KFRW News, NFRW News
I have been asked to run for a Member-at-Large seat on the NFRW Executive Committee. I will be nominated at the upcoming convention (Sept. 27-29), and the vote will take place on Sunday morning at the Board meeting. Susan Tucker designed the campaign card and I...