by webadmin | KFRW News, Republican News
Metro Republican Women’s Club honored Gail Russel at their March meeting.In February, Governor Bevin appointed Gail Russell to the permanent leadership post as Secretary of the Public Protection Cabinet (PPC). Don Parkinson, Secretary of Tourism, Arts and...
by webadmin | KFRW News, Lincoln Legacy Circle
KFRW Members: It is join/renewal time for the “First Lady’s Circle”! The KFRW “circle” has an annual membership fee of $100.00. The Kentucky First Lady’s Circle will offer the following to members: A platform to “honor” First Ladies, statewide and nationally....
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News, Republican Elections
Meet the Republican Candidates for the May 21st Primary! March 26, 2019, 6-9 pm, LaGrange Baptist Church, 1139 Commerce Parkway, Contact Debby Neal Pate at (502) 552-8179 for more information!
by webadmin | KFRW Events, KFRW News
Call in Tues, March 5-Hot Topics w our nation’s movers/shakers! Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 9 PM 712.775.7031; ID: 835.960.616# ALL ABOARD for ANOTHER EXCITING RIDE on the F1RST TUESDAY call in show! JUST PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND CALL IN! Don’t...